Sunday 26 August 2012

Bento... turtle.. bench.. happy..

Woke up early to make Sam's bento and to head out to the HIA building to apply for the Japanese course that they run. Got a little lost, but found it in the end. Found out when I was there that if there are too many people applying for the course they choose by lottery. =( So I'm hoping that there won't be many people applying.. =P

Had been hearing about a melon flavoured 'melon pan' from Sam for a while. Saw a green turtle looking melon pan at the bakery close to our local station. However, when i wanted to get one there weren't any left. =( That's the only bakery i have found that sells these mysterious melon flavoured melon pan. Bought one the other week and it was pretty good. It was definitely melon flavoured. Today I bought one again and it was a lot better. It has a melon flavoured custard, surrounded by soft fluffy bread and has a crunchy melon flavoured biscuit top! Num num num...

Got back with plenty of time before my much anticipated bench arrived. Have been waiting to get some extra bench and cupboard space. Our kitchen is a little strange for a pretty Japanese place. It has a low (even for me!) sink/ bench and really high cupboards. Can't reach the last half of the bottom level of the cupboards!

YAY!!! Bench!


  1. I bet it did Sam! You lucky man! And those turtle pans (which I wonder is a spin on the bread word for bread "pain" pronounced "pan"?) look too cute to eat! And melon flavour, how bizarre!

    1. The japanese word for bread is pan... It probably came from the french word. Most of them aren't melon flavoured and are a pale yellow colour. They're called melon pan because of the design on the top apparently looks like a melon ... ??? I don't think it does though.. Prefer the cantonese 'pineapple bun' (yet again not pineapple flavoured but named on the appearance) to the plain melon pan though!

  2. I meant to say "the french word for bread" :)
