Thursday 30 August 2012

Peanut butter cookies

Weather has been quite nice the past few days. It seems a little less humid and there's a pretty constant breeze. =) Our almost daily pigeon visitor came this morning and was cooing away outside our kitchen window. It's kind of relaxing in a funny way! =P
Tried a new recipe of peanut butter cookies last night. They're pretty nummy and turned out better than I expected for being cooked in the microwave. The bottoms of some of the cookies are a little on the darker side. It is definitely more time consuming as I could only fit about 6 cookies in at the time. Have yet to figure out how to keep the oven going after I open and close the door.. I keep having to turn it off then on again.. RAH! Made some more kanten jelly (made out of agar and water) yesterday as well to have with some left over kuromitsu (black sugar syrup). Was really nice to have after walking in the heat to go buy some bakeware.

Peanut butter cookies
Peanut butter cookies with salted peanuts

Fruit Anmitsu (this was the first one I made - didn't eat this one yesterday)
 Finally catching up on my kanji reviews (soo many like 700!!) with some iced coffee. I've gotten quite addicted to it. =P They don't have good iced milk tea - it is either too sweet or has some strange 'fragrant' taste to it. Bleugh! Tried this nummy coffee ice creams called Papico. They come in pairs, so Sam and I usually have one each for dessert. They do disappear quick though.. =( 

Papico - Ganache in Caffe Latte
The Papico family

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