Tuesday 28 August 2012

Windy change

Since yesterday afternoon there has been some strong winds.. I have been mostly enjoying it. Was quite happy to sit in the house with the doors and windows open without drowning out the house in my sweat! (hahaha... that's quite an exaggeration!! =P) The wind does get quite strong so it does tend to blow things around if it's not very heavy.. Did a wash of Sam's shirts this morning and I'm a bit paranoid about them flying off the balcony!! Eeeep!!! Made myself a bento today with some leftovers.. Going to head out to get some ingredients to make some choc-chip cookies after our mat arrives.. Num num num...

1 comment:

  1. Yay for a cool wind... I'm still waiting for today's refreshing breeze to come by! And delicious looking bento, as usual :)
