Sunday 16 September 2012

a fun weekend

Yesterday I went along with Sam to his school's sports day. It was HOT! There were some seats set up for family, with some under a cover for the elderly and the rest in the sun. I was lucky to get a seat but it meant spending the whole day in the sun, which left me with a funny sunglasses tan. O_o ! I had a towel that I was able to put over my shoulders and my head to protect me from the harsh sun, as well as a good old fan. Poor students had no hats or shade!

The sports day started with the students marching out in their classes behind their class flags. They did some warm up exercise to some music ( I had only seen it on a Japanese drama.. didn't think they actually did it! =P). The classes in each grade competed against each other in some events. All students participated (not like in Aus.. =P). They all did a relay race and one other different activity. I found it quite funny that everytime they came out onto the field they came out jogging/marching to a certain tune. They also did their sports to music too..
The classes with their class flags

Warm up time

One person sits on the tire whilst 3 people pull you up and around a witch's hat where the boys would put
a flag in the top and the girls would take it out. They did this until everyone had been around the cone.

After everyone in the team had gone around, one member of the class had to
climb up to the top of a pole of bamboo and put the flag in the top.

Afterwards all the boys came onto the field. They firstly did a handstand, then they started doing more complex things in groups leading up to do a pyramid. The big pyramid at the end the boys tried three times before they managed to successfully finish the pyramid! The first try they were very close, with the boy at the top just having to get a sign off his shoulder to hold up then they fell. The second time they didn't get as far. It was very moving to watch.. and all the parents were shouting "Ganpatte!" (go for it/keep at it/do your best) on the 3rd try. 

The big pyramid

All the girls then came out and danced to a few different tunes.

After lunch the school marching band did two songs, then the sports clubs did a lap. This was followed by a relay race between the sports clubs. The teams used different things to pass on as a baton such as a volleyball or a judo mat! This was pretty fun and interesting to watch. Some of the club members were soo fast! The teachers participated in these relays. There were a few more different relays then a huge tug of war between families/friends vs the 3rd years. The parents won both times. 

Boys volleyball team - having to hit it to the captain to finish the crossing line.

Kendo club members

Judo club

Setting up the rope for tug of war

We went out for dinner today and had katsu in Seishin-chuo. The outside parts were very crispy and crunchy. You could get rice, miso and cabbage refills (although you get soo much I don't know how people manage to eat more cabbage or rice). We had a little walk around the area and looked around in one of the supermarkets. We found and bought a few goodies. 

Our friendly visitor

Cookies and cream panda pocky

Pocky with matcha cookie chunks

Hint mint! You need this mint! A gesture of kindness.. Whahaha..

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