Saturday 29 September 2012

Food, food and more food

There seems to always be tv shows about food on tv here. It'd be really good to be tv presenter/celebrity/comedian here as they seem to do a lot of the tasting!! I love seeing their expressions!! =P They make it look soo good too! Wish I knew where half of the places they went to are.

Made some chicken and mushroom rice in the rice cooker on Thursday. They unfortunately don't sell any long grain rice, so the end result seemed a bit sticky to me. Might try and add even less water next time. It's a very easy meal to make as you pretty much just cook the rice and pop the marinated meat and mushrooms in at about 2/3-3/4 of the way through the cooking of the rice. You give it a good stir when the rice is cooked and let it continue to cook on warm for about 30 minutes.

Went to some Korean restaurant in Sannomiya last night with some of Sam's friend last night. It didn't seem to be an authentic Korean restaurant though. They didn't have bulgogi and the waitress didn't know what it was either! It was good for what we paid. =)

Sam and I continued on to get some dessert. Most of the places closed at 9pm, which was quite surprising for a Friday night. Unfortunately for us it was just after 9pm. =( We went for a bit of a walk to see if this little pancake shop that we stumbled across one day was open. As you may have guessed it wasn't.. Went back towards the station and found a patisserie with a cafe on the second floor called Esprit de Fouquets. Went in and got some cake and tea. I got a blueberry cake, whilst Sam got some cheesecake-tart. I really liked my cake! It had a light sponge cake base, blueberry (had a really strong blueberry flavour) mousse, blueberry jam, some cream cheese and maybe some blueberry flavoured cream. It was surrounded by a blueberry jelly, as well as some little jelly cubes around it. Our cakes came with a biscuit and some surprisingly really tasty soft serve ice cream. I was quite surprised with the tea as it was good strong tea.

Sam's cake with kiwi, current jelly and some chinese citrus fruit.

It's been very cloudy today, as a typhoon is coming through Japan. It's currently around Okininawa as I type. We were going to go visit some temple that is near us after Sam came home from worship practice. It started to rain a little so we decided to come home. The rain stopped not long after. Better to be safe than sorry!

Bought these little mushroom things the other day. It's a chocolate biscuit stem with a mint chocolate mushroom cup. They remind me a lot of a mint slice.

On another random note this crow has started to come sit on our balcony in the mornings. It's still got a little bit of baby fluff left around it's neck. Makes it look a bit funny. =P They're quite noisy though. There are 4 which I have seen around our block apartments.

Arhhh!! Arhh!! are the sounds of what I woke up to this morning.

Choc chip cookies that I baked last week

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